StaFi rETH Integrates Into imToken With A StakingDrop Campaign
StaFi Protocol has always wanted to increase the versatility of its interest-bearing tokens, rTokens, especially as the DeFi protocol adds more synthetic derivatives to the mix. The coming of rETH to the crypto wallet, imToken is a step in that direction.
By bringing rETH to imToken wallet, anyone holding ETH can leverage the convenience of imToken towards maximizing their ETH2.0 staking reward. Through this collaboration, you can stake ETH on ETH2.0 and get rETH. Thanks to the rETH mobile coming to imToken wallet.
StakingDrop Incoming
rETH’s coming to imToken is such a huge milestone, so it’s no surprise StaFi and imToken launched a StakingDrop to mark the event.
The StakingDrop will see the sharing of $100,000 worth of FIS tokens among ETH stakers that do the staking through the rETH mobile dapp on imToken. Of course, the sharing of the FIS tokens will vary with the staking quantity of the individual staker. So if you’re looking to get a bigger slice of the FIS cake, a larger chunk of ETH has to be staked through the rETH mobile on imToken.
The StakingDrop is expected to run from July 22nd, 2021 till August 20th, 2021. Rewards will be disbursed as FIS (ERC-20) tokens to those that stake their ETH through the rETH mobile on imToken.
The Implication Of This rETH Integration On imToken
Though the rETH app is available to PC users, many mobile users feel left out. The coming of the rETH app to mobile on imToken aims to restore the convenience of liquid staking without jeopardizing the security and versatility enjoyed by PC users.
Having the rETH app on the imToken wallet is a confidence booster for those still in the dark regarding the possibilities of liquid staking. ETH2.0 might be on the lips of many, but few are aware that liquid staking is a reality. StaFi bringing its efficient rETH app to imToken, one of the pioneers in the mobile cryptocurrency wallet space, is bound to create awareness for its legion of interest-bearing tokens besides the rETH.
StaFi aims to help ETH stakers maximize their ETH2.0 staking rewards through the 30-day FIS splash. This is in addition to the benefits that abound in the liquid staking space provided through the rETH app.
The Early Birds Win Again
As always, early birds scoop most of the reward as the FIS distribution continues to drop as August 20th, 2021 closes in.
From 10 FIS tokens per staked ETH during the initial five days of the StakingDrop to 4 FIS tokens in the last days of the campaign; the reward drops significantly every few days until the campaign wraps up.
Double Your FIS Reward
No, it’s not a scam. StaFi is offering ETH stakers the opportunity to double their FIS reward by staking ETH through the rETH app on imToken, albeit on one condition: let the world know you staked your ETH through the rETH app on imToken.
To enjoy the double reward offer, you have to stake your ETH through the rETH app on imToken, then get the FIS reward.
You must proceed to tweet about your staking on Twitter, providing ample proof, tag a few friends on the tweet, and you’re on your way to getting your FIS reward double. But remember, this is a prize pool, so as more people stake ETH through the rETH app, the FIS reward gets depleted.
Final Word
The rETH app continues to gain momentum, and this imToken partnership is such a gamechanger. Even if you are indifferent to the StakingDrop, the opportunity to leverage the received rETH token from ETH staking on the rETH app to earn additional income is enough to change your mind.
Official Sources
1.StaFi rETH Solution:
2. The Staking Guide on imToken: