Adaora Anders
4 min readAug 13, 2020

Cartesi Releases Version 0.2.0 Of Descartes SDK

I believe we fully know about the Cartesi platform and are its firm supporters as a result of its benefits and contributions to the digital system.

Well, for those who are just hearing of Cartesi for the first time, let’s have a quick review of

WHAT Cartesi Is All About

Cartesi is a layer-2 system that was created for the development of easy-to-use and scalable applications, which are decentralized.

It comprises both the Blockchain, a fully decentralized and unalterable technology and an off-chain component, which exists on the Cartesi Nodes, giving users the full benefits which they deserve while creating different Dapps.

Well, having had a clear insight into the Cartesi system, and what it’s all about, let’s dive into one of the great achievements of this system.

The Descartes SDK Developed By Cartesi
By being a system which is programmed for the benefits of developers, helping them achieve great feats which are only attainable with the use of sophisticated tools, the Cartesi system opens up every Dapps developer in the digital system, to great possibility, through its creation of a great tool which will play a great role in that, the Descartes SDK.

What Is The Descartes SDK?

Descartes SDK is a tool, which gives different Dapps the ability to run off-chain operations, with ease and with the absence of any form of complexity in the execution process.

This will definitely give the Dapps using it, an upper hand over on-chain operations, seeing as the kinds of operations possible on it, will be costly and mostly impossible while on-chain.

The Descartes SDK is indeed a big break not just for the Dapps developers, but for the digital system at large, made possible by the Cartesi platform.

Here are...

What Developers Can Gain With The Cartesi Descartes SDK

It confers the developers the ability to create Dapps which are capable of executing voluminous data operations all at the same time and with full decentralization, without breaking down.

The Decentralized apps (Dapps) created using this tool, will be able to carry out complicated transactions, off-chain reducing the cost of executing such operation on-chain, making the system to be cost-efficient.

Through its design, the Cartesi Descartes SDK unlocks the full power of creation, to the developers, making it possible for them to develop sophisticated Dapps, which supersedes the regular Dapps in the digital system.

It gives Dapps smart contracts, verification capabilities, allowing for the easy validation of the success in the execution of difficult operations by the means of evaluation.

By leveraging this Descartes SDK as developed by the Cartesi system, in a decentralized manner, Dapps are given unrestricted access to files, with full assurance of security on the system and the unparalleled privacy, which the off-chain cryptography provides.

All these are just a few of the boons enjoyable on the Cartesi system, for developers, just for making use of the Descartes SDK.

But it doesn’t end there, as the Cartesi platform swees the need for an upgrade, so as to remove every limitation confronting the current Descartes SDK, making it fully efficient, that’s why...

Cartesi Has Released Version 0.2.0 Of The Descartes SDK

This sophisticated version of the revolutionary developing tool called Descartes SDK will allow for more participating nodes on the system.

The previous Descartes does not really support large data files, but through this upgrade, the developing tool will be able to handle large data and make it usable on the Dapps, when need be, all with ease and in a decentralized way.

By upgrading the Descartes SDK, its nodes will be able to configure itself to suit whichever Dapps it was adopted for and will have just need a single line of off-chain code, to function effectively.

Cartesi has also embedded in this new version, reliable tutorial features which lets developers and other users, get acquainted with the Descartes SDK, and its use, so as to efficiently utilize it in the creation of life changing Dapps.

Through the release of a better and an improved version of the Descartes SDK, an efficient developing tool has been handed to developers, to bring into existence, revolutionary Dapps that will play an active role in improving the world system.

Cartesi is obviously changing the world in the digital front, and the release of the version 0.2.0 of the Descartes SDK is just one of the many ways it will impact the world.

Read related article on Cartesi Descartes SDK HERE

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