Adaora Anders
3 min readSep 28, 2020


With the advancement in technology,every facet of life seems to be experiencing revolution substantially,this is evident in the rate of output and increase in performances in the diverse sectors of the society. When it comes to communication and exchange of information, a massive explosion in the rate of data emission from various points. Today,there are more than 20 billion devices and gadgets all around the world sharing,transmitting, communicating and exchanging data daily.

Given that the communication of data electronically has become quite an activity in today’s society, the bluzelle network correspondingly possesses a lot of potential that can aid in the safeguarding of these volumes of data through its innovative sharded technique and smart contracts.

Meanwhile, it is not just enough for bluzelle to keep existing only in the hands of the platform developers, it is important to seize an opportunity to get bluzelle into the hands of consumers thereby creating more awareness and providing its unique services to the citizens of the world.

The most ideal approach to reaching the global user base is by building a healthy ecosystem where the bluzelle network can be integrated into diverse technology in order to rid the users unnecessary rigmarole in trying to locate bluzelle.

Let's briefly consider a few instances


This environment holds a lot of value for the adoption of bluzelle. For Dapp developers of mobile and desktop apps who navigate these environment, these plugins are targeted in order to make bluzelle readily available should there be a need of a database for the development of their games and enterprises. Examples of these development environments include Android studio, Microsoft xamarine and visual studio, apple scode, intelliJ,eclipse,phone gap and unit3D.


A blockchain is an inventive electronic spreadsheet which houses details and information about transactions. Blockchains are also very relevant to the adoption of bluzelle, as smart contract classes are purposefully planned tonne launched into etherum,as well as other open blockchain protocols like hyperledger to facilitate the utilization of bluzelle network by decentralized application’s (DApp) smart contracts.


The bluzelle network has for overtime kept some heavyweight software development ecosystems on its radar, the likes of Heroku, AWs elastic beanstalk, Redhat openshift, Google app engine as well as Microsoft azure.The motive behind integrating and partnering with these ecosystems that share revenue is to make bluzelles decentralized database available and accessible for developers as conveniently as possible.


With browser tools and operating systems, the developer’s capacity to access data is advanced. It could be from a GUI application running on their desktop or probably a browser plug in that facilitates swift retrieval and storage of data within the ecosystem.


The bluzelle database service is equipped with all the qaulities required to operate successfully in the data management industry. Furthermore, this innovative substrate intends to make the network and its benefits accessible and reachable to the members of the community and everyone else who has a stake in the data industry by integrating the blockchain infrastructure,Operating Systems, developer marketplaces as well as developer environments in its pursuit for a reliable, effective, transparent and seamless database management service for the world population.

For more information, you may visit the official website here